How to Increase Conversion Rates on Amazon FBA

What are conversion rates? This is simply the percentage of people that buy your product from all the people that visit your product listing?

Why is it so important?

Because doubling your conversion rate can mean you can make double the sales & profits – from the SAME number of customers. 

Great right! So what should you do to improve this key metric? 

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Common Issues Amazon FBA Sellers Face

Selling on Amazon isn’t always smooth sailing. But road bumps along the way do not have to derail you from success.

In this article we cover the top 7 issues experienced by Amazon sellers – and how to overcome them to keep growing. 

Tip 1 Hangers On 

You did all the hard work to get a product selling well with a high rank, and you’re spending money on marketing and pay per click. Suddenly you find other sellers hanging onto your listing and selling copies of your product. 

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What factors affect Amazon Ranking & SEO?

Amazon’s algorithm is secret and a mystery to most sellers. Nobody knows for sure exactly how to rank to the top of page 1 – but if you follow these simple guidelines you will definitely boost your rank higher.

A higher rank means more profits. In this article we cover our top secrets of Amazon SEO. 

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Why an Amazon product might flop & what you should do if it does?

You might have spent weeks researching a great idea, months waiting for your product to be manufactured. It finally arrives in Amazon – but even after weeks – sales seem to be really slow.

The thing to understand is that sometimes products take a few months to take off – and sometimes no matter what you do – it might never take off. 

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How To Brand Your Amazon FBA Product: Logo Types

Branding your product is super important. What is the difference between a $500 Gucci T-Shirt and a $5 Walmart T-Shirt? The material is mostly the same – the main thing that differentiates the two products is the BRAND behind the product.

For your Amazon products you should be thinking long term and make products that customers want to recommend to their friends and buy more of. 

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Amazon FBA Business Reports

Amazon has a maze of business reports. CashCowPro simplifies and expands on the Amazon reports to give you a better insight into how your Amazon products are actually doing.

In this article we cover the main 7 Amazon reports you need to pay attention to as a seller.

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Amazon FBA Product Maths: Understanding Your Business

As with any business, you have to know your numbers in order to understand your performance and make improvements.

In this article we cover the most important numbers you need to check for your Amazon product especially before even launching it. 

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How to Quality Control Your Product For Amazon FBA

Winning on Amazon over the long term is about providing the most value for the lowest cost possible. Amazon’s ranking algorithm promotes products with high review ratings and good feedback. You can’t just sell a product and hope to win. It has to be better quality then the customer is expecting to receive in order to get reviews and rank over the long term.

Good products get more good reviews leading to more sales and even more reviews. It is a positive cycle. 

So how do you make sure you produce a good quality product? 

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How to Increase Sessions & Page Views On Amazon FBA

The more people that see your product, the more you will sell. On Amazon the number of page views your product gets is called “Sessions”. Below we will cover the best way to get more people looking at your product page.

If your conversion rate is 10% and you double your page views from 1000 views a month to 2000 a month, you will go from selling 100 units a month to 200.  

Tip 1 Markets 

If you only have 100 sessions a month, even if you convert 100% that’s only 100 sales. So boosting sessions is one of the fastest and easiest ways to boost net profit and unit sales.

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Top Copywriting Tips for Amazon FBA

When a client lands on your product page – the images and text is what convinces them to buy your product. It is essential to convey the value of the product. In this article we cover the top 7 tips on copywriting for Amazon

Tip 1 Don’t be Too Technical

People want to know the benefits of the product for them.

Have you ever bought a pair of socks because they were 9 mm thick or did you buy them because the packaging told you that they were extra warm?

Try to turn all your major features into day-to-day benefits for your customers. Use language that anyone can understand. 

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