Managing your advertising strategically

When you launched your first product, you probably did everything yourself. Advertising was just one of the many tasks you had to cope with – including sourcing, freight, costing and pricing, getting your account and your product pages set up, and so on. You will have taken decisions tactically, focusing on giving your product the best launch you could.

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Amazon Compliance: Don’t Get Banned!

Amazon has been taking product compliance increasingly seriously over the past couple of years. It realizes that one reason many people trust Amazon above, say, Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace, is that it’s a regulated market – Amazon only allows approved sellers, and actively polices their publicity, pricing, and sales records. Product compliance is another piece of this regulatory jigsaw.

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Amazon fees and what they mean for your profitability

Amazon’s announcement of a 5% surcharge on FBA fulfillment fees is the latest price rise to hit FBA sellers. While in itself it probably isn’t a crisis for your business, together with a load of other price rises – including the rising cost of shipping goods from China and other offshore supply bases – it could be the last straw that breaks the camel’s back.

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Creating great A+ content

Do you remember the early days of the internet, when pages were just text? And then we got thumbnail photos, and people started using blinking comic sans in red with yellow outlines for their headers, just because they could?

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How to make sure you win the Amazon buy box

Some Amazon sellers have difficulty understanding the buy box. On many product pages, it looks similar to a buy button on eBay or on an e-commerce website. But it isn’t.

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How to make great videos for Amazon FBA

Making good videos can dramatically improve your sales. It’s obvious when you think about it; while customers in bricks-and-mortar shops can interact with the product directly, on Amazon they can’t touch, feel, or poke it. But a video that shows someone using the product can help to fill in the gaps and make them feel more comfortable about buying it.

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Product improvement

Product improvement is a great idea for you. You’ll make more money, outselling your competitors and selling for higher prices. It’s a great idea for your customers, too, when you make your product better, more useful, convenient or stylish.

But how do you get started?

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