Automatic repricing for Amazon FBA sellers

One of the factors you need to get right to succeed on Amazon is your pricing. If you have a great product, a fantastic seller rating, all the right search terms, and the wrong price, you’re going to lose out to a cheaper seller. But of course, you don’t want to race to the bottom and compete with the ultra-cheap guy whose service levels and reviews show exactly why his prices are that low.

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Managing your advertising strategically

When you launched your first product, you probably did everything yourself. Advertising was just one of the many tasks you had to cope with – including sourcing, freight, costing and pricing, getting your account and your product pages set up, and so on. You will have taken decisions tactically, focusing on giving your product the best launch you could.

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Amazon Vine Program And Other Ways To Get Reviews

One of the crucial factors in ensuring your product’s success is getting good reviews on Amazon. However, you’re not allowed to give products away in order to get reviews (as you could before 2016), so it can be difficult to get your product on the radar.

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Amazon Launchpad – is it for you?

Amazon Launchpad is a service that Amazon has now been running for a good few years, promoting entrepreneurs and brand owners with unique and innovative products. It’s particularly interested in certified Black-owned businesses, and climate pledge friendly businesses, and it represents a great move up from Kickstarter for businesses that used that site to get their first products launched.

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Amazon Compliance: Don’t Get Banned!

Amazon has been taking product compliance increasingly seriously over the past couple of years. It realizes that one reason many people trust Amazon above, say, Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace, is that it’s a regulated market – Amazon only allows approved sellers, and actively polices their publicity, pricing, and sales records. Product compliance is another piece of this regulatory jigsaw.

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Amazon fees and what they mean for your profitability

Amazon’s announcement of a 5% surcharge on FBA fulfillment fees is the latest price rise to hit FBA sellers. While in itself it probably isn’t a crisis for your business, together with a load of other price rises – including the rising cost of shipping goods from China and other offshore supply bases – it could be the last straw that breaks the camel’s back.

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Creating great A+ content

Do you remember the early days of the internet, when pages were just text? And then we got thumbnail photos, and people started using blinking comic sans in red with yellow outlines for their headers, just because they could?

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