Product Sourcing Agents For Amazon FBA

So you have some product ideas but you are not sure about how to find a good supplier or doing all the work to find the product is too time consuming. Why not try an agent? 

Here are our top tips for dealing with Sourcing Agents. 

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Top Copywriting Tips for Amazon FBA

When a client lands on your product page – the images and text is what convinces them to buy your product. It is essential to convey the value of the product. In this article we cover the top 7 tips on copywriting for Amazon

Tip 1 Don’t be Too Technical

People want to know the benefits of the product for them.

Have you ever bought a pair of socks because they were 9 mm thick or did you buy them because the packaging told you that they were extra warm?

Try to turn all your major features into day-to-day benefits for your customers. Use language that anyone can understand. 

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