Higher conversion rates boost your search ranking

Amazon’s search engine includes quite a number of different inputs. For instance, it includes your sales velocity and your historic sales – which gives you no help at all if you’re just starting out. It also includes your conversion rate – that is, the percentage of people who click on your product page and then go on to buy the product.

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Check Your Competitors Social Media

If you are doing things right, you’re building your brand outside Amazon as well as within the platform. You have a blog, you have a Facebook page, you Tweet, you’re on Instagram. Your branding is consistent and it’s working.

But do you know how your competitors’ brands are positioned? It’s time to take a look.

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Keeping a watch on the competition

Competitor analysis used to be easy. There were maybe five or six major competitors and you knew who they were.

But now there are literally thousands of sellers joining the Amazon marketplace every day. (That’s right; not every month, or even every week – every single day.) It’s much less easy to keep an eye on them.

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From A to B of A/B testing

The point of A/B or ‘split’ testing is to identify the most successful content and pricing. It allows you to optimize your listing, using real input from your customer base.

We call it A/B but ‘split’ testing can be used to try out more than just two possibilities. You could try half a dozen.

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Your Amazon Brand

Building a brand is not just about adding your logo to a product. A brand is every interaction a customer has with your company from the product to customer service emails. 

In this article, we guide you through creating your brand for Amazon FBA or improving an existing brand. 

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Low Competition Niches on Amazon

Amazon used to be a lot easier. Many niches were uncompetitive, with sellers having low-quality listings and photos.

That all changed. With hundreds of courses on Amazon and tools to find new product ideas, all the best niches got discovered.

So how do you win in the long run?

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Choosing A Good Amazon Supplier

Choosing a great supplier can help your business grow massively. A wrong choice can lead to quality issues, delays or worse. 

It’s worth taking the time upfront to find the best suppliers in your niche. 

In this article we cover the top tips for understanding what is important when selecting a supplier. 

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Your Amazon FBA Account Health

Getting a product suspended on Amazon could result in a lot of lost sales. An Account suspension is even worse. In this article we’re going to cover the top tips on keeping your Amazon account score healthy.

What is the best way to keep your product & account health score high? Always check the quality of your products before shipping from the manufacturer.

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