Higher conversion rates boost your search ranking

Amazon’s search engine includes quite a number of different inputs. For instance, it includes your sales velocity and your historic sales – which gives you no help at all if you’re just starting out. It also includes your conversion rate – that is, the percentage of people who click on your product page and then go on to buy the product.

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Amazon FBA: Boost Conversions

There are a number of proven strategies to boost your conversions & sales on Amazon. Imagine you have 100 visitors a day to your product. If you boost your conversion from 10% up to 20% you will also double sales to 20 units a day!

With no extra ad spending, no extra cost, you can suddenly sell more and rank up – just by optimizing your listing. 

When a customer is looking for a product on Amazon, the first things they will see are the price, main image and also the number of reviews and review ratings. 

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Optimizing Amazon Advertising PPC

Amazon Advertising can help you grow your profits & boost your organic rank. Knowing how to properly optimize your PPC can make a huge difference to the overall performance of your business. In this article we cover the top 7 tips on ways to boost your Amazon pay per click results. 

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