Understanding Amazon Ranking and SEO

How Amazon ranks some products seems to be a mystery. Amazon is the only one who knows for sure how their ranking algorithm works – but there are ways to improve your product SEO. In this article we cover the top 7 factors for improving your product ranking on Amazon.  

Factor 1 Keywords 

Amazon is a search engine – as this is the very first thing all customers sdo when coming to the site. They put in keywords into the search box to find the product they want to buy. The more relevant keywords you include in your listing, the more likely you will be found.

Do detailed keyword research and make sure you include the top 3 to 5 keywords in your title, features and description. If you’re selling a garlic press, but miss out the keyword garlic crusher, you’ll miss out on 5000 searches a month. 

That is why it’s crucial to find as many relevant keywords as possible. 

Factor 2 Conversion Rate 

The higher your conversion rate, the more likely you are to rank. Why? Amazon see’s that your item is what customers are looking for. Also – you will automatically get more sales from the same amount of traffic if your conversion rate is higher. 

I’ve increased conversions from 5% to over 30% for some products. You do this by optimizing your photos, title, features, price and product.

Amazon wants to make the most money possible, so it shows the products which convert well at the top of the rankings.

You can also use a tool like cash cow pro to monitor your conversion rate and optimize it.  

Factor 3 Sales Velocity 

Sales Velocity is basically how many units you sell per day, month and year. If someone searches garlic press, Amazon will show all the relevant listings and then rank it by a few key factors.

One of the main factors is the sales velocity. If your product is selling slowly, consider doing a small promotion to help boost the sales velocity and increase visibility of your product.

I recommend doing a promotion of 100 units over 10 days and monitoring the results including tracking how your keywords are performing. 

Factor 4 Product Quality 

If your product has a lot of returns, Amazon will start to penalize your listing in the rankings. 

That’s why it’s essential to inspect the product in China before shipment, and make sure that the product and packaging are at a high standard.

You can see how your product is performing in Amazon’s seller central. 

Also, if your product quality is good, Amazon may give you an Amazon Choice badge. Less returns equals less costs for your business, higher profits and in the end more long term sales. 

Factor 5 Customer Service 

Amazon monitors how quickly you respond to customers, and you need to reply within 24 hours or less.

If you are slow to reply all your product rankings could be punished. Amazon’s number one priority is good customer service, so sellers that don’t meet the standard are shown lower in the rankings. 

Factor 6 Seller Ranking 

Amazon scores your seller account on dozens of different factors.

Login and check your account health and quickly deal with anything that isn’t marked as green or good performance. 

Factor 7 Pay Per Click 

You can increase your ranking by using pay per click on Amazon and marketing your product off-Amazon.

The more traffic you drive to the product the more likely you will have higher sales, which in turn will increase your sales velocity and rankings.

Try using 3 or more marketing methods for your product such as Facebook, Pinterest and pay per click.


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