Don’t make these simple Amazon FBA mistakes!

You might not believe it, but even experienced Amazon sellers sometimes make mistakes. Amazon has a simple business model but it’s a complex business, so you need to cross the t’s and dot the i’s.

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Big brand influencers vs nano-influencers

When you’re starting an online brand, using social media influencers is one way of gaining customer trust. You can’t offer a taste of your spice mix or let people pick up your cook-pots in their hands, but you can let an influencer do that and make a video about it. Because the big influencers have great relationships with their followers, if they recommend your product, customers will believe them.

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Automatic repricing for Amazon FBA sellers

One of the factors you need to get right to succeed on Amazon is your pricing. If you have a great product, a fantastic seller rating, all the right search terms, and the wrong price, you’re going to lose out to a cheaper seller. But of course, you don’t want to race to the bottom and compete with the ultra-cheap guy whose service levels and reviews show exactly why his prices are that low.

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Managing your advertising strategically

When you launched your first product, you probably did everything yourself. Advertising was just one of the many tasks you had to cope with – including sourcing, freight, costing and pricing, getting your account and your product pages set up, and so on. You will have taken decisions tactically, focusing on giving your product the best launch you could.

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Amazon fees and what they mean for your profitability

Amazon’s announcement of a 5% surcharge on FBA fulfillment fees is the latest price rise to hit FBA sellers. While in itself it probably isn’t a crisis for your business, together with a load of other price rises – including the rising cost of shipping goods from China and other offshore supply bases – it could be the last straw that breaks the camel’s back.

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How to differentiate your product

They used to say “Build a better mousetrap and the world will beat a path to your door.” Not any more. Type “mousetrap” into Amazon and you get 631 results. How on earth can anyone choose?

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More money, less work – making your FBA business more efficient

Many people start FBA businesses part-time, hoping they’ll make enough money to give up the day job. And they make the money, and they give up the day job, and they grow the FBA business… and three or four years down the line, they wake up one morning and realize that in fact, they’ve just got themselves another job.

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Seasonal Products on Amazon

If you sell seasonal products, you run a big risk of product obsolescence. All kinds of Christmas stuff – Santa hats and beards, for instance – is useless by the time we get to December 26th. That’s why we never recommend selling products that are purely seasonal.

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