How to write a good product listing

To write a great product listing you can’t just say what your product is, generically. In a brick-and-mortar shop, you can get away with having a SKU called ‘shirt’ or ‘sweater’. Customers can look at the label to see what fabric it’s made of or what size it is. On Amazon, you need to be much more specific.

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How To Get Rid Of Excess Inventory 

Excess inventory is a problem. It ties up your capital, which might be better used elsewhere. It means your product isn’t selling as well as it should. And Amazon doesn’t like it either.

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How To Manage Your Amazon PPC Ads

If you’re selling on FBA you’ll almost certainly be using Amazon Pay Per Click (PPC) ads to get traffic to your product page. But it can be quite a job getting it right.

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Automatic repricing for Amazon FBA sellers

One of the factors you need to get right to succeed on Amazon is your pricing. If you have a great product, a fantastic seller rating, all the right search terms, and the wrong price, you’re going to lose out to a cheaper seller. But of course, you don’t want to race to the bottom and compete with the ultra-cheap guy whose service levels and reviews show exactly why his prices are that low.

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Managing your advertising strategically

When you launched your first product, you probably did everything yourself. Advertising was just one of the many tasks you had to cope with – including sourcing, freight, costing and pricing, getting your account and your product pages set up, and so on. You will have taken decisions tactically, focusing on giving your product the best launch you could.

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Amazon Vine Program And Other Ways To Get Reviews

One of the crucial factors in ensuring your product’s success is getting good reviews on Amazon. However, you’re not allowed to give products away in order to get reviews (as you could before 2016), so it can be difficult to get your product on the radar.

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Can I sell my FBA business? And what is it worth?

Over the past few years, a new kind of Amazon business has emerged – the FBA consolidator or aggregators. These are big businesses, with plenty of money to spend on buying up FBA businesses and scaling them up big-time.

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Lower fulfillment cost = higher profit

If you have to open your own store or create your own website and delivery service, you’ll have big costs – rental, insurance, and labor. If you’re importing as well, it can take up a lot of time and a lot of effort and cost. That’s why many businesses prefer to use FBA.

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Your Amazon FBA Account Health

Getting a product suspended on Amazon could result in a lot of lost sales. An Account suspension is even worse. In this article we’re going to cover the top tips on keeping your Amazon account score healthy.

What is the best way to keep your product & account health score high? Always check the quality of your products before shipping from the manufacturer.

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