Amazon’s Small and Light Program – tiny fees for tiny products

When you’re making your business plan, you need to include Amazon’s fees in as a product cost. If you’re selling goods in the $25-100 range, it’s not a problem. But if you want to sell goods that are below $10, the referral fees can be a real issue, and can even stop you making a profit at all.

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Q4 is the time to make super profits!

The fourth quarter is the time for any retailer to make super profits. That applies every bit as much on Amazon as in the mall; there’s a huge spike in both searches and sales. There’s Black Friday,  Cyber Monday, Thanksgiving, Hallowe’en, Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa; lots to look forward to!

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How to write a good product listing

To write a great product listing you can’t just say what your product is, generically. In a brick-and-mortar shop, you can get away with having a SKU called ‘shirt’ or ‘sweater’. Customers can look at the label to see what fabric it’s made of or what size it is. On Amazon, you need to be much more specific.

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Amazon’s new direction

Amazon could probably afford to sit on its laurels. It owns half the market in US e-commerce. It has high market shares around the world, notably in the UK, Europe, and India. It’s the gorilla in its marketplace.

But Amazon keeps innovating; it’s always trying new things.

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How to get the most out of using Alibaba for sourcing

Alibaba is a really great way to source products to sell on Amazon. The Chinese company is a massive e-commerce platform, not unlike eBay or Amazon. The big difference is that it doesn’t sell to consumers; it’s strictly B2B (business to business).

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How To Get Rid Of Excess Inventory 

Excess inventory is a problem. It ties up your capital, which might be better used elsewhere. It means your product isn’t selling as well as it should. And Amazon doesn’t like it either.

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Amazon Compliance: Don’t Get Banned!

Amazon has been taking product compliance increasingly seriously over the past couple of years. It realizes that one reason many people trust Amazon above, say, Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace, is that it’s a regulated market – Amazon only allows approved sellers, and actively polices their publicity, pricing, and sales records. Product compliance is another piece of this regulatory jigsaw.

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