There are a number of proven strategies to boost your conversions & sales on Amazon. Imagine you have 100 visitors a day to your product. If you boost your conversion from 10% up to 20% you will also double sales to 20 units a day!
With no extra ad spending, no extra cost, you can suddenly sell more and rank up – just by optimizing your listing.
When a customer is looking for a product on Amazon, the first things they will see are the price, main image and also the number of reviews and review ratings.
Tip 1 Price
Price is very important for converting customers into buyers. A high price might get you more profit but your sales & rank might drop. Too low a price might boost your ranking but leave you with almost no profit.
Price also depends on your goals and stage in the product life cycle. For brand new products, it makes sense to keep the price low to boost your sales. If your product has been selling well for a number of months you might also lower the price to boost rank.
Maybe you priced your item a little lower than the competition, maybe a little higher. But until you actually test the price you have no way of knowing which price works the best.
Some products will sell more even at a higher price. Some products might sell less at a higher price. The secret is to test different prices to see what works best for your product.
Tip 2 Reviews and Rating
Having a high review score is important. Some ways to increase your review rating include providing great customer service, having a great quality product, responding quickly to negative feedback and offering to part or fully refund customers.
There are several strategies you can use to increase reviews, one of which is running special promotions using AMZ Tracker.
Generally the more reviews you have and the higher the rating the more sales you will get and it definitely has an impact on your conversion rate.
Tip 3 Photos
The first image people will see is your main product photo in the search results. A great product photo attracts customers to click on products. You also need great high-resolution images showing the benefits of the product to convince them to buy your item.
Invest into your product images. If your conversion rate goes from 10% to 15% and you go from selling $10000 a month to $15000 a month – the increase has made you an extra $5000 a month in revenue. So it is worth spending $500 or more to make your listing amazing.
Use professional photos with creative text highlighting the benefits of the product and how customers might use it in their everyday lives. Also highlight the specifications, quality and what makes your item unique.
Tip 4 Features
Ok, a customer has clicked onto your product listing. Your images look great. Next they are going to scan your main features and benefits. The best strategy here is to highlight the 3 or 4 main things people look for when buying this type of product.
Check the reviews of your top 10 competitors. Read what customers say is good and bad about the item. Also check their features and listing pages. Get a really clear idea of what the top 3 or 4 main benefits are for customers then use this on your listing.
It is important to also include any key specifications about the product that customers might want to know, a money back guarantee and also a call to action asking them to buy today.
It is hard to write great sales copy so use a professional writer for this and be sure to include all your top keywords here too.
I have found updating the text on my product page can increase my conversions fairly quickly and also help Amazon to index me.
Tip 5 Description
If a customer has made it to your description then they are very close to buying. It’s your chance to highlight additional benefits about the product, expand on the features and again use a call to action to get them to buy today.
Use as much text as you need to explain all the benefits of your product. Bold key points, and use caps to highlight key information.
Enhanced Brand Content can really bump up conversions too – so be sure to trademark your brand and also apply to have EBC on Amazon.