Packaging Design For Amazon FBA

Having great packaging can make your product feel more expensive. It’s super fun to buy something new and open the box. 

The customer experience starts with your packaging. You can also use the packaging images to make your product stand out in the Amazon search results. 

In this article we’re going to cover tips on designing your product packaging for selling on Amazon.

Tip 1 Ask your Factory 

Usually a supplier will have sold hundreds of different products to customers around the world. They will have stacks of samples of different types of packaging in their factory.

Ask them to send you photos of the types of packaging they’ve done before. You can also ask them to include some packaging samples when they send you samples of the product itself. 

They may have already included the packaging cost in the price they quoted you also. It’s best to check this with them. 

Tip 2 Use Google 

Search on Google for innovative packaging design to get inspiration and ideas for your own packaging.

There are hundreds of websites showcasing great packaging ideas. Some are expensive but others are cost effective and just use simple materials and prints to make the product stand out. 

Behance is a great source of design ideas for your packaging. There are portfolios from hundreds of designers on show. You might even find a designer you want to work with based on images of products they have done for other clients. 

Tip 3 Visit Some Shops 

When you’re out shopping, have a look around different retailers and check out the different ways retail products are packed.

You’ll see lots of options, including everything from clear blister packaging to simple backing cards. 

The best place to look is the cosmetics and luxury brand sections. These companies are experts at making amazing packaging. Why not take a look at the different colors, materials and styles used by perfume brands. 

If you see a packaging style you like – get a quick photo then ask your supplier to quote. 

Tip 4 Cut-out or Template

Get the factory to send you the shape of the packaging in an Adobe Illustrator file. This is basically a blank outline of the shape of the packaging. It is usually to scale, but you need to double check and make sure that it is. 

This way you can then apply your design directly onto the template. 

I recommend adding a few things to your design including – a way to contact your customer service, some benefits of the product, your logo, product image, barcode or FNSKU. 

Tip 5 Find a Freelancer 

Use Upwork or Freelancer to find a packaging or graphic designer who can apply your logo and design to the template. 

Remember to filter by freelancers who have had at least 90% success rate. I recommend also checking their portfolio to see if they have done similar work to what you are looking for. 

Tip 6 Check Fit 

Print out the artwork using a one-to-one scale. Fold it and check the product will fit in well. Do this before you send the artwork file to the factory.

Sometimes designers make something look nice but forget to adjust the size to fit the product. It’s your job to double check everything before you start the production of your packaging. 

Tip 7 Quality Review 

Before your factory puts all your product into the packaging, get them to send you three to five samples to review. Then, do 3 things.

First, check your product fits in. 

Second, check the quality of the printing and packaging is okay.

Third, rub two of the boxes together and make sure the ink doesn’t smudge, since they will rub against each other during shipping.

Another key thing to remember is always give the supplier a Pantone color for each color on your packaging. This is an international standard for color – so that the factory can match the exact colors you want. 


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